Number Lore 2

Our world has come to rely on numbers a lot. And we really don’t perceive them as anything else than a convenient way to store data, count spare change and distinguish basketball players by their T-shirts. But Number Lore 2 is very different because here numbers are alive and kicking! And you can get to know them in this amazing game!

Meet the charming numbers!

First things first, let’s talk about the characters. We’re talking about numbers, folks, but not your boring run-of-the-mill digits. No way! These numbers are bursting with charm, personality, and a whole lot of quirkiness. We’re talking about Number Lore, baby! Picture a world where the numbers have taken on human form, strutting around with their distinct style and panache.

To start with, they are not even from this world! If you’ve been following the YouTube series closely, you know how they were introduced – the numbers actually came on a spaceship and started with nothing else than kidnapping X from the alphabet. But this game is not about letters, it’s about numbers. And you’re going to find out everything about these wacky Number Lore characters, each just as much unique and adorable as their alphabetical counterparts!

All sorts of fun to have!

So what kind of things are waiting for you in Number Lore 2? Oh, tons and lots! The numbers are a rather adventurous bunch, always in for some action. You’ll be participating in crazy fights with what appears to be some giant cosmic spiders, run through the most unimaginable locations collecting bonuses and avoiding hurdles and do your math to upgrade your characters.
Yes, each of the numbers can be upgraded and made even stronger, faster and so on. But to do this, you’ll have to spend some time playing and earn a sufficient amount of points that you can spend on leveling up.

There are all kinds of fascinating activities and entertainments awaiting you in Number Lore 2. Every day you will pop into the game to find something new and different. The levels are all so diverse and fun that you won’t notice the passage of time. And you’ll surely want to return again and again, just to upgrade that 7 or 8 to the legendary level and merge a few 0s into a tough bunch of 1s. So count to ten and let’s start playing!

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